I was going to move on to demi-gods and mortals of ancient mythology, but I got sidetracked when I rediscovered my love for the names of Greek Nymphai. These names are so great, they needed a list all to themselves.
Nymphs were minor goddesses that presided over aspects of nature, from rivers, plants, honey and clouds. Some names will be familiar, some outlandish, and others are underused delights -- almost all have wonderful meanings.
I have opted for the Latinised version (as in the more accessible Achaeia for Akheiia) where appropriate or more generally well known.
Aba Actaea Admete Adrasteia Aegina Aethria Aethusa Aia Aigle Amphiro Achaeia Akraia Aktaie / Actaia Alexiroe Alke Alcinoe Alcippe Amatheia Ambrosia Amphinome Amphiro Amphithoe Amphitrite Amymone Anthe Anthracia Antiope Arethusa Arsinoe Asia Asteria Asterodia Asterope Astris Atlantia Bateia Bolina Bromia |
Caliadne Calligenia Calliroe Calypso Castalia Celaeno Chariclo / Hariklo Chione Chryseis Chrysopeleia Clymene Coronis Daeira Danais Daphne Dexamene Diogenia Dione Diopatra Doris Eidothea Eidyia Echo Elektra Endeis Erato Eriphia Evadne Eucrante Eudora Eulimene Eupheme Eurynome Euthemia Galatea Galaxaura Galene Halia Harpina |
Hegetoria Helia Helike Iaira Ianassa Ianeira Ianthe Iasis Ida Idaia Io Ione Ismene Kallianassa Kallianeira Kalliphaeia Kalliste Kalypso Kapheira Karya Kerkeis Kisseis Klaia Kleeia Kleodora Kleokhareia Klytie Klymene Kymopoleia Kyrene Lampetia Laomedeia Larissa Leuce Leucippe Libethrias Lilaia Limnoreia Liriope |
Lysianassa Maia Maira Melaina Melanippe Melia Melite/Melita Menippe Merope Messeis Metioche Metis Minthe Morea Moria Myrtoessa Mystis Naïs Neaira Neda Nemea Nemertes Neomeris Nephele Nesaea Nikaia Nomia Nonakris Nysa Oenoe Oinone Oiolyka Okyrhoe Opis Oreithyia Ornia Orphne Orseis |
Ortygia Othreis Ourania Pallene Pareia Pasithea Pasithoe Penelope Periboia Perseis Petra Petraea Phaethusa Phaino Phaio Phaisyle Pherousa Phiale Philia Philyra Phoebe Phosthonia Phrixa Physadeia Pirene Plataea Pleione Polydora Polyhymno Polynome Polyphe Polyxo Pontomedousa Pontoporeia Praxithea Prosymna Protomedea Psamathe |
Ptelea Rhanis Rhene Rhetia Rhodia Rhodope Sagaritis Salamis Samia Sinope Sose Speio Sterope Strophia Syllis Symaithis Synallasis Tanagra Teledike Tereine Thaleia Thebe Themis Themisto Theonoe Thero Thespia Thetis Thisbe Thoosa Thrassa Thronie Thyia Triteia Tykhe Xanthe Zeuxippe Zeuxo |
NOTE: Any letter C is a Latinisation. In Greek it was a hard K when 'c', or KH (pronounced with an aspirated H) when 'ch'.