Hyphenated first names, particularly for girls, are a popular trend in Britain at the moment. Looking at the England and Wales 2009 data shows some interesting details about the 945 (747 girls, 198 boys) different hyphenated names listed.
Most popular hyphen names:
For boys the most popular hyphen name is Tyler-James. 46 boys were recorded with this name in 2009. Following are Brandon-Lee, Harvey-Lee and John-Paul - all recorded on 26 children.
The most popular hyphen name for girls is Lily-Mae with a whopping count of 207, followed closely by Ellie-Mae at 204 and Ellie-May with a count of 200.
Most commonly hyphenated name:
Alfie and Abdul both have eight different hyphen variations recorded. Charlie, Jayden and Tyler follow with six different variations.
Lily has twenty variations (including 3 spellings of May/Mae/Mai), Lilly has nineteen and Ruby has eighteen. Ellie and Lexi both follow with fifteen variations each.
Most common second name:
Lee, James and Jay are the most popular second name that appears for boys.
Grace, Jo, Lea/Lee/Leigh, Louise, Marie, May/Mae/Mai and Rose are the most popular for girls.
Unisex hyphen names:
These names appear on both boys and girls:
For my complete mega list of all the hyphen names found in the 2009 data take a look at Hyphen Names 2009.